Saturday, August 29

Santa Monica Moon and Ferris Wheel - but not together

The moon rose over the palms and beach go-ers carried on. I have several of these palmy shots on a balmy night because it was fun to watch the moon's progress while the population below shifted around. I didn't make enough for a time lapse, so only two went into my gallery - the first one and the one with the iPhone man.
I need to work on moon exposure. Ansel Adams nailed it in Moonrise over Hernandez on the run and without a meter because he remembered that the moon's luminance is 250 cd/ft.  Sadly, that did not help me.

When the moon was high, I turned around to look at the pier and was surprised to see people still playing in the waves and basking in the moonlight. There is a small collection of colorful Ferris wheel snapshots in the gallery, too.

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